The Basics

PRC-20 is a token inscription protocol on Polygon. The protocol's state is determined by sequentially indexing all Polygon transactions. This standard is a modified version of the Ethscription protocol, adapted to account for the unique circumstances and history of inscription activities on the Polygon network.

POLScription start block height: 46203695


Note: Only deploy operations initiated by Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) are considered valid.

Deploy From EOAs

pYPOLScription, strictly to 'prc-20'
opYOperation type: deploy
tickYToken name
maxYTotal token supply
limYMint token quantity limit max%lim=0


Note: Only mint operations initiated by Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) are considered valid.

Mint From EOAs

The transaction hash of the transaction in which a POLScription was created is that POLScription's unique inscription id.
The recipient of the creation transaction is the POLScription's initial owner. The sender of the creation transaction is the POLScription's creator.

TxValue needs to be 0.

pYPOLScription, strictly to 'prc-20'
opYOperation type: mint
tickYToken name
amtYMint lim, must equal to the lim of deploy operation


The protocol defines for each POLScription a list of valid POLScription transfers. This list is ordered first by block number, then transaction index, then log index (in the case the transfer was triggered by an event).

Single Transferring From EOAs

Any Ethereum transaction whose input data is a POLScription id as defined above is a valid POLScription transfer, provided the transaction sender is the POLScription's owner. Because internal transactions from smart contracts do not have input data, this method only works for EOAs.



Batch Transferring From EOAs, Under ESIP-5

If the input data of a transaction (without its leading 0x) is a sequence of 1 or more valid POLScription ids (without their leading 0x), that transaction will constitute a valid transfer for each POLScription that is owned by the transaction's creator. Read more.

Transferring From Smart Contracts, Under ESIP-1

If a contract emits ethscriptions_protocol_TransferEthscription(signature below), the protocol should register a valid POLScription transfer from the emitting contract to recipient of the ethscription with id ethscriptionId, provided the emitting contract owns that POLScription when emitting the event.

Transferring From Smart Contracts, Under ESIP-2

If a contract emits ethscriptions_protocol_TransferEthscriptionForPreviousOwner, the protocol should register a valid POLScription transfer from the emitting contract to recipient of the POLScription with id ethscriptionId, provided:

  1. The emitting contract owns the POLScription with id ethscriptionId when it emits the event
  2. The POLScription's previous owner was previousOwner.